
Introducing Clarita and young Blake being all cute and supportive, can’t wait to see where the story will take these two.
Likewise, I’m excited to see where Ylla’s mind and adventures takes her.
And where does Jaser fit in all this?
Real Life:
Oh to dive into the mind of a spirited teenager – it can feel like one is ‘all over the place’ does it not?
There are plenty of love triangles that will happen in my story and I do give hints to some or at least I used this experimental comic to test ideas and see how they felt.
Also, the mountains are based on the Venezuelan Andes mountain range. The clothing Ylla and Jaser wear are based on how my family and I would dress when we would visit colder areas in Venezuela. That black hoodie is one I actually used to own in my teens. Likewise, although I didn’t realize it when was drawing it, that door fell pretty perfect in those couple panels. In the colder areas of Venezuela, there is a town called “La Puerta” that I used to visit with my family a lot. ‘La puerta’ literal translates to ‘the door.’
I’m close to finishing the comic and I can’t believe I’m in page #30. I have improved SO much and I can’t wait to see how much more I’ll improve just by continuing messing around with my characters in comics like these; improvised, experimental and unofficial to their actual story.
This is freedom.
I love it.